>>17654745>>17654718This world lied to you about literally everything. Either half-truths, false concepts, or blatant lies. To confuse you and give you a false understanding of the world, mankind, time, history, and your place in it. So that you dedicate your life, soul, and energy to their doctrines in which they have full authority over every aspect. They control Science™, they are the priests that ex-plain and ex-plane the earth for you, they wield that trademark, and that means they control our space in life (if we give them authority over the earth).
Right from the start this world lied to you about the very ground you stand on, the 3 dimensional reality you live in. A fundamental lie, and everything people derive from this false reality will consequently be some kind of falsehood. We are now at the point where mankind believes they are mutated animals, and they are spinning around themselves on a perfectly spherical rock in random space that exploded once. A psy-op, mental conditioning. Do not underestimate the spiritual life-guiding implications of this godless concept. Most people are not level-headed, they are not stationary, they are not based, they are incapable to see physical truth at this point. Common sense isn't really all that common anymore. They rather believe in jewish mysticism like space-time and relativity, which leads to everything being "relative". No distinct up and down, which leads to good and evil being "relative", male and female being "relative", all empty space and imaginations in our mind. Let that sink in, the majority of people ultimately don't even know what is UP and what is DOWN. In other words, there is no absolute truth in this universe.