>>17655563All of the chemtrail\geoengineering crap I've seen either uses the sun or RF generated from sending stations to move layers of cloudcover up and down thus modifying he way a cloud system operates. E.G. If you heat the aircover just ahead of a storm system you can drop the pressure infront of it and cause it to move where you want it to go, and you can collide 2 systems into eachother.
For RF to work you need high double digit absorption in the atmosphere in the 10MW+ range over several hours, and the lower down you aim the closer you need to be.
The most likely way this crap works is we're dumping 10's of MW of energy into the atmosphere via radio towers and whatever they spray up there is able to convert that into heat. The alternative is they're inducing cloud cover to reflect heat back to reduce ground temperature. Either way, the math is hard to make work without a healthy dose of skepticism.
What is more likely going on is in order to make moving large amounts of goods around via air feasible you need to get the airplane way the fuck up in the atmosphere where the air is thin and accelerate it to high velocities, all of which ensure you are burning hydrocarbon fuels at extreme altitudes and high temperatures to assure complete combustion. A 747 has 50k gallons of fuel in it and can fly upwards for 12 hours without refuelling which means you're burning around 1.2 gallons a second or around 80 gallons a minute in fuel. All of that is going to go out the back as vapor and stay up in the stratosphere where it's way the hell above the clouds, meaning heating it won't do jack shit to the weather. Now if it's lower down or falling ontop of cloudcover, different discussion.