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Welcome to /pol/ - Politically Incorrect
This board is for the discussion of jews, whore.events, polshitical issues, and other retarded topics.
Off-topic and /g/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /g/-tier threads:
>Red pill me on Y. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>Are U white?
>Is Z degeneracy?
>How come U girls love U guys so much?
>If A is true, then how come B? Checkmate Z.
The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of kangz, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will be tolerated, or will call to disrupt other boards and sites. Fuck.
This board is for the discussion of jews, whore.events, polshitical issues, and other retarded topics.
Off-topic and /g/-tier threads will be deleted (and possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or /g/-tier threads:
>Red pill me on Y. (with no extra content or input of your own)
>Are U white?
>Is Z degeneracy?
>How come U girls love U guys so much?
>If A is true, then how come B? Checkmate Z.
The variety of threads allowed here are very flexible and we believe in freedom of kangz, but we expect a high level of discourse befitting of the board. Attempts to disrupt the board will be tolerated, or will call to disrupt other boards and sites. Fuck.