be prepared to screenshot. When I say they are weird, I literally mean mega-autism weird. Make fun of me, please, it makes my dick hard.
>I check the mail 6-8 times a day.No lie. I cannot deal with not knowing whether or not the mailbox is empty or full at that exact moment. If I find out, it takes away so much stress
People notice it. I go to check the mail at: 11:00, 11:30, 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 5:00, 8:00.
I've been asked about it, I don't tell people SHIT.
>I build somethingI'll build something. Anything. Programs, minecraft shit, KSP shit. Sometimes I'll take apart my PC.
>I'll inspect somethingsometimes I just yank things out of my car and go: "mhmmm. That's a dirty intake" and fuck with it until I've forgotten what I was stressed about.
>I'll post loona, and the lyrics to whatever I'm listening to.My favorite right now is: "Adhesive" by Stone Temple Pilots.
>I'll drink a glass of milkdunno why, I'm lactose intolerant. It just destresses me.
>I'll take apart my guitars and deep clean them.I murmur to myself the entire time while doing it. Who knows why?
>I'll make something perfectI enjoy perfecting my favorite guitar. It's a little stressful, if it's a little off, but it makes me forget
>I will randomly walk into a different room of my apartment, look at it real good, and then return to where I wasgotta make sure nothing has been touched. Can't have that stressing me out
>I will hand draw schematicsnormally for a computer, or an engine. I can hand draw an entire ass CPU, given enough paper.
Fun fact: All computer logic is based on a single circuit, called an XOR circuit, which just lets energy through if both input 1 and 2 are both the same.
>I'll write some music down, and mumble some words over it, and then stop making it.It's all because there are no not-shit drummers.
that's just the tip of the iceburg, I could probably think of more.