>>17719571Prob one of the 5% that can be used to identify them as black.
Genetic differences are why blacks are suceptible to sickle cell anemia and whites are not.
It doesnt even need to be a unique gene, it could be a variation in a gene common to all humans. For example Einstein very likely had a mutation in the gene that increased the number of folds in his gray matter, this was documented in his autopsy. It could be a gene he had, it could be a slight mutation in a gene we share, it could be a slight change in some other gene causing an unrelated reaction with a common gene resulting in brain development proceeding differently.
Genetics is complex, and sadly it would be impossible for anyone to fund a study that looks for the gene that makes niggers dumb, since "science" has already declared the cause is racism, despite every study accounting for all the socioeconomic factors all showing that blacks still have an unexplainable difference in intelligence than whites.