>>17729981Marrying an American woman is the absolute worst decision you could ever make. Here's why (yes...a bad phrase, but fuck it, it fits)...
1. Child Support (sexist extortion). Not only are child support amounts obscene, you have no say in any of it and the entire system is designed to financially rape even the upper middle class. The more money you make, the more they take. Keep in mind that child support was never intended to be an allowance or a substitute for alimony. It was supposed to go to a child's BASIC needs. Not wants...NEEDS. You know, food, clothing, and basic medicine. Not designer shoes and gold plated pacifiers.
Naturally, women and crooked attorneys have utterly hijacked this system. Even worse, due to Hillary Clinton's rape of the laws back in the day, you can also be put in jail just for being poor (through no fault of your own) and being unable to pay their jacked up rates. I knew one guy who was paying $1,200 a month per kid for 3 kids, so $3,600. Plus back support, plus interest, plus legal fees.
He was military. A good man. A hard worker, and his case isn't even the worst one or uncommon.
2. Alimony (see above). It's just as bad.
3. Divorce rape. As above plus you lose half your shit.
All of this is brutally and legally enforced and it doesn't matter to any lawyer, judge, or sheriff if your ex was the biggest, most violent crack whore on the face of the earth.
No matter what, you are fucked.
Even worse, you will likely never see your kids, because your ex will use them as a tool to get pity from others and to bludgeon you to suicide or put you behind bars with false allegations of child abuse or worse.
So...to all you assholes asking why men in America aren't getting married or knocking up American women...THIS. IS. WHY.
To the rest of you...
Have a wonderful day.