>>17754593The whole time normies were debtoids.... Millennial normies for time were awakened to the grand conspiracy of the fraternities: illuminati, masons and zionists. The content has been highly viewed and read. Despite all that the Millennial normies subjugated themselves to the grand conspiracy. Boomers coerced and advised Millennial normies to "contribute to society" after all its their parents, relatives and societal seniors with "life experience" who had the car, "real job" and house since they were 23. So, post 2007/2008 GFC they ventured into lending, those that had a job right after high school were loaned money to buy houses, banks were "up selling" credit cards at the counter, then the personal loans to travel like their other indebted normie "friends" and then car loans. Loans for studying as well. Once the rest of Millennial normies started working and the normies that wanted to move to a bigger house the boomer parents became guarantors and borrowed against the inflated boomer house values. Next, millennial normies were introduced to reverse mortgages borrowing against their own house values. They even absorbed woke culture and were prejudiced with the vax.
Those individuals that try to brag and embarrass others owe a considerable amount of money and distract themselves by berating others. That they have "this" and they have "that", they borrowed for "this" and "that". They dont want people getting paid more as to much productivity as it affects interest rates, they despise NEETS having an increase in their welfare to be above the poverty line. They say "inflation" as to not speaketh of the word interest rates to pay. They listen to Tony Robbins to puff themselves into a new loan and new levels of obnoxiousness. Boomers also advise their pets to do the same. The government and banks contribute to this via government spending and fractional reserve.