>>17763918>>17763920>>17763921>>17763922I feel like it's difficult to give the full context of what happened. It was back last October, on the day of a solar eclipse. Now, the eclipse wasn't visible from my area, but the notable thing is the second eclipse in this pair, the lunar eclipse, fell on the same day as the USA November midterms, and I had been telling as many people as I could about it. Moreover, a few weeks before this event, I had sent an email to a friend discussing Star Trek as soft disclosure, in particular saying the Changelings are one of the ruling class.
Shortly before I met it, I experienced a sort of strange feeling, something like 'Reading Steiner'. It felt as if reality kind of blurred out for a brief few seconds, and like I was glitching through numerous worldlines or something. Really no words to describe it.
So anyhow, maybe 15 minutes after that, I have a single, large, hornet land directly in front of me, and essentially begin communicating. Now, I did initially sense something was different about this one, but I also have always had a keen ability with animals and it had begun extending to insects. So while I could tell something was different about this one, I didn't immediately jump to 'changeling'. However, I tend to be very polite and receptive when anything indicates a desire to be friends, and I offered my hand to let this thing begin crawling on me. I spent the next several hours with it basically just hanging out on me, and over the course of this time could firmly say this really must not be a hornet. I give far more allowance for insect intelligence than any other human being, quite likely, but even still. There's no reason for a hornet to be behaving in this manner.
So, conceiving of perhaps electronic surveillance on my recent email, as well as numerous other things in my life at the time, I asked it, "Are you a changeling?" to which it replied by squirting something on my foot...