>>1776457It'll never stop being a thing as long as their are different groups speaking different languages living in different cultures. There's not really any 'solving' it so long as their are different races.
I don't actually believe niggers are biologically inferior, or that ever mudslime is one part of a plague. I do think though that some cultures need to be seriously reworked because they promote a lot of dumb shit.
Like for brown people. Beating wives and children, relying on religion to set your laws?
Or for black people. Say, Jamaicans. Jamaican Patois (their language) is barely ever used in writing. How the hell is a society supposed to develop if almost everyone in it is illiterate?
tl;dr racism will probably stop when niggers and sandniggers and chinks are all whitewashed and talk/act/think/speak like we do.