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Why dating Asian women is fine.

No.17764844 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There are five major racial groups:
1. The Aryan race inhabiting Europe, northern Africa and western and southern Asia. The purest form of which can be found in the Nordics.
2. The Yamato race inhabiting east Asia and south-east Asia. The purest form of which can be found among the Japanese.
3. The Indian race native to the americas.
4. The Negroid race native to sub-saharan Africa.
5. The Aboriginal race native to Australia.

Of these five, only the Aryans and Yamato have been capable of creating high civilization, with the best of each coming from their homelands in northern Europe and the Japanese archipelago. It only seems natural that after the development of modern transportation technology, the two master races would merge into one over time in order to assert their rightful position over the lower races. Hereby it is important, though, that as a pure Aryan you interbreed with an impurer type of asian woman. The purest form of Asian is found in Japan, the Chinese and Koreans are intermixed with mogol blood while the south-east asians are intermixed with Aboriginal blood. This does not necessarily mean that everyone from these backgrounds is inferior, it is very much possible that someone from quite a pure background still looks less so due to the genes of lower races being dominant. They might be bred out in a matter of a generation or two under the right circumstances. Still, I advise caution.