>>17776242>God wants to send you to hell for not being perfect Well that's where you're wrong kiddo, GOD loves you. He doesn't want to send you to hell, he wants for you to live with him for all eternity in heaven, but you see there is no corruption, nothing that isn't pure and holy allowed in heaven because that could stain GOD who is perfect. Therefore you must be cleansed of all your stain, your sin, your corruption before you can enter Heaven. An offering must be made, repentance and asking for blessing of forgiveness for each and every sin that stains your soul. GOD loves you so much that he sent his only SON here to take the body of a man, one that is pure and without sin, and offered him up as a sacrifice to pay for your sins. The man-body of JESUS is on the cross suffering incredible agony at another point in spacetime as you read this. He is only connected to his Father by the Holy Spirit. He could be in Heaven living life of luxury, but he is suffering for your sins and the sins yet to come. He has to stay there suffering until the end of the age of man. This is what pays for sins not yet committed, this is what allows free will. HE LOVES SO MUCH HE IS WILLING TO GO THROUGH TORMENT FOR YOU FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS TO TRY AND GET YOU INTO HEAVEN WITH HIM. All you got to do is believe, sincerely believe in his teachings, sincerely repent your past ways and beg forgiveness, and you will be "saved" (and saved from being cheat, a compulsive liar, etc. you will be "born again" as a new man) and he will stay on that cross suffering for you until the end of the age of man just to get you into the party at his father's house.
As you can clearly see GOD loves you more than you can imagine, out of all creation in the universe, you are most precious to him. All you got to do is answer the call.