It's so painful watching all that cool tech be utterly wasted by kikes. The problem of course is that the nigger cattle continues to consume the product because they're all pozzed in the head, so instead of all these globohomo companies going bankrupt like they should and being replaced by something better, they continue to shit out all this tranny shit eternally.
This is what Apple has been doing since forever, by the way: they take something that's either cool or has the potential to be cool and then market it towards niggers, jews, trannies and simps, thus killing the potential for the tech to ever develop. It's reached the point where I wonder if Apple isn't some kind of alien conspiracy that's meant to keep humanity in the dark by deliberately obstructing all technological progress.
But it's those kikes, man. Everything they touch inevitably turns to utter shit, I don't know how they do it. Like when Zuckerberg spent 100 billion dollars on his gay meta shit, and now this. It's so surreal.