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/ftl/ - Fish Tank Live #1236

ID:4gGWjfiD No.17810297 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Real Thread Edition

>Who won?
Josie won 35k Letty won 20k as the runner-up
>Was Letty a plant?
No, but later in the show she would go to production to consult with them about messing with people
>Will there be a season 2?
Yes, in the winter
>Is Jet a nice guy
Yes, he's getting Josie set up with streaming and letting her live with him and Ben for two more weeks, and it is in NO way grooming ok?(meds)

Keep up with the cast of Season 1

>Missed a day?
Archive COMPLETE: Days 1-42 + the full motion capture archives

>New threads will be made at image limit because this board is to slow for new threads to be made once we're on page 10

Previous thread: >>17807736