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Quoted By: >>17827885
Soishitsharty is the biggest disgrace to imageboard culture i have ever seen. The demographics are among the worst Ive ever seen an imageboard have. 20% normie twitter teens who have never actually used an imageboard before sharty 20% actual unironic vagina having foids. And the rest are fucking trannies both mtf and ftm (who are somehow even more annoying and worthy of getting flayed to death). They don't produce any content or have anything original coming from their board other than calling out random name fags or tripfags. S this isnt even a dis on soijak culture most of which still stems from /tv/ /v/ and /int/. Even /bant/ has better soi oc than that shitty fucking website. I honestly wouldnt think it possible that an imageboard could be so low quality. Never mind something that sprung from 2019-2021 era /qa/ which was pretty damn funny and creative. I wish every one who post on that website died of a heart attack. They have absolutely no claim to /qa/ heritage