>>17881288>the Yamnaya invasionBest evidence we have are language groups and the genetic code itself. History isn't reliable, since the historical record doesn't go back far enough. So it stands to reason that given what we do know (white genes are highly coveted), it makes more sense to say white genes were taken/introduced to these respective gene pools, rather than whites emerged from them. Assuming even this, that point of departure is so far back that the relation would not be indicated through noting these genes in these respective gene pools but only through fossil records which are not reliable.
>>17881278If we deal with the present psychology of non-whites, which we can all easily access, then a need to insist on ancient finding of civilization (Sumeria, Egypt) and the out of Africa theories, it all serves to bolster a sense of we wuz, which we know non-whites are prone to and white liberals are happy to facilitate for their own self-effacing, warped reasons.