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Why is the left so eager to defend Islam on the grounds that not all Muslims are terrorists?
I'm totally unconcerned with Muslim terrorism/jihadism. I'm concerned about Islamization full stop. The left is willing to say that Islam is peaceful and that terrorism isn't fair grounds to criticize the religion because it's done by a tiny radical minority, but they never acknowledge all of the non-terrorism problems with Islam. Just because car bombs and suicide bombings get the most coverage doesn't mean the sole concern regarding Islam is terrorism.
100% of Muslim majority countries are Muslim theocracies. They all have Sharia Law. Being a woman makes you a sexual slave in Islam. Being a non-muslim makes you a second class citizen. For God sake, there are government subsidized children's television shows which explicitly tell Muslim toddlers that they must kill the Jews, broadcast internationally over official channels. We have an overabundance of how all Muslim countries operate and all of their negatives which are omnipresent across them. It's not a minority, it's how their entire societal structure operates, and they are near unanimous social opinions.
Do not stake your hatred of Islam on "terrorism" friends, because it legitimizes the left who will dismiss you by saying "not all Muslims". Stake your criticisms on the everyday workings of Muslim countries.
I'm totally unconcerned with Muslim terrorism/jihadism. I'm concerned about Islamization full stop. The left is willing to say that Islam is peaceful and that terrorism isn't fair grounds to criticize the religion because it's done by a tiny radical minority, but they never acknowledge all of the non-terrorism problems with Islam. Just because car bombs and suicide bombings get the most coverage doesn't mean the sole concern regarding Islam is terrorism.
100% of Muslim majority countries are Muslim theocracies. They all have Sharia Law. Being a woman makes you a sexual slave in Islam. Being a non-muslim makes you a second class citizen. For God sake, there are government subsidized children's television shows which explicitly tell Muslim toddlers that they must kill the Jews, broadcast internationally over official channels. We have an overabundance of how all Muslim countries operate and all of their negatives which are omnipresent across them. It's not a minority, it's how their entire societal structure operates, and they are near unanimous social opinions.
Do not stake your hatred of Islam on "terrorism" friends, because it legitimizes the left who will dismiss you by saying "not all Muslims". Stake your criticisms on the everyday workings of Muslim countries.