I want to cuddle Loona, and hold her hand, and take her to parties, and pretend not to notice when she steals my fries, and buy her clothes, and take her dancing, and tell her she's hot, and share music with her, and pretend I like her music, and I want to take her to concerts, and I want to snuggle her at night, and I want to comfort her when she's anxious, and I want to be there for her to make sure she can fly, and I want to brush my teeth with her every morning, and take a shower with her, and brush and dry her, and I want to make her breakfast and get her coffee, and work so hard she doesn't have to, and I want to rave about chris cornell for two hours while she listens, and I want to listen to her rave about random shit, and I want to count the green M&M's with her, and I want to buy her a nice car, and I want to make fun of fatasses with her, and I want to go to the gym and get fit with her, and I want to cook her a big, meaty dinner, and have hot vanilla sex because it's fucking great just to be in one another's presence, and I want to listen to her falling asleep, and I want to wonder what she's dreaming about, and I want to wonder what I did to deserve this all. And I love her.