cry, seething bitch nigger, just spend the whole rest of your short miserable brown faggot life seething about america and projecting your cowardice onto americans. Your narratives are shit:
>whites are being replaced MUTTS won't do shit
yeah am i white or mutt and why would a mutt care for white or vice-versa?
>wait till they come to THESE suburbs...
until eurofags drive from oslo to defend paris you don't even begin to have a point.
>america sucks because its globohomo and poisons the world
how? you dont say no to importing nigger jizz, your officials don't, you don't make your officals stop drinking straight from americas hose, wont dare even tell them you dont like immigrants, then wail 24/7 like a tantrum throwing niglet that americans will not kill our officals to save you from yours
so either you are just an fsb nigger /ccp nigger agitator trying to get some violence and disruption or you are a legit MUTTOID brownshit mad as fuck that america gave your mom the freedom to choose nigger dick and so its MUTTS fault that you are a brownoid MUTT...
just kys you miserable pos, because no one is going to lift a fucking finger to save you.