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I just can't shake the feeling that everything we know is a lie because we live on stolen land. Are our feelings even valid and worthwhile if fundamentally they are defined by living on stolen land that we took from indigenous people that were here way longer then us?
What are we even doing here, perpetual strangers in an even stranger land. I wonder if at times, the white man can feel at home and peace anywhere. That same industrial spirit it seems never falters or dies, we must cut down all the trees and forests until there is none left, and then ship thousands of jobs overseas so that it is not sustainable to simply make a regular living anymore, you must work and be in charge of complicated data entry and clerical work, become the very machines we built to make our lives more simple and easier have only in return made our lived that that much more vastly complex, and difficult. We don't need slaves when we have labour working for less then a dollar overseas and expected to sustain a livelihood from such meager pay as that. It seems the American dream was really all it was worth, I am glad there are still people fighting and dying for these rights on a regular basis. The rights not to starve or have shelter, the dame basic rights you would afford to almost anyone, even your own worse enemy, except not.