>>18041632>>18041632Possession through access points, it literally opens up ports and fucks your innate firewall. Once the port is open it stays open for life. That’s why people that were possessed once can be used as portals to channel AND trap multiple demons for “conversion” or straight up burning with the word of God. Demons can be several thousands of years old, still can be killed with the word of God IF they refuse the light. When trapped during an exorcism, most demons accept conversions, few requires deletion. Reminder that talking to demons is useless but reading the word of God on them is all that counts and should be done.
This is why the jews wanted Christians to forget and forge their bible. To take away your weapons to fight dark forces. Now you have so called christians calling out demons totally naked to the attacks of these entities, since none of them know their holy book by heart.
Drugs and booze opens up portals, amphetamine give access to satan himself to possess its users.