>>1807800haha guys do you get it??? it's funny because i'm actually very well off but i'm so boring that i like to pretend that my life is going down the drain and my reaction to my fake troubles is as if they weren't actually happening! It's a great meme! I'm actually suuuuper obsessed with memes, they're like my life (I actually have like 50 saved on my phone, it's a lot, i know) , my fake depression goes away when I look at some fresh memes! Probably one of my favorite memes is fidget spinners because they are really stupid and for autistic children which is another one of my favorite memes because it helps me cope with my fake autism, i'm actually like super socially awkward lol. Like STAY AWAY FROM ME I ENJOY PRETENDING I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FORM A COMPLETE SENTENCE HAHAHAHAHAHA. It's a joke between me and many of my friends and it is very funny just like MEMES! I also run a meme page on facebook called "Spidget Finner" get it it's because it's actually called fidget spinner but I spelled it incorrectly because of my fake mental retardation ;) I only have 100 followers on there but I am a simple farmer tending to my memes XDDXDXD