>>18099473>retiredok, so you're another nagging boomer.
most people cant even get redpilled wives, no less one with no body count that will stick with them
i'm 31 and ive gone through about 20 women this summer alone. not a worthy or loyal woman among them. most are insane narcissists.
stop pretending people arent trying or that you know everything.
Jordan Peterson said men should blame themselves too, and that bought the establishment another 7 years, long enough to get their vax needles and enact a holocaust.
25% excess death rate in fertile aged women (under 24) boomer.
they systematically targeted the fertile aged women
4% excess death rate in same aged males.
5% ex death rate is a flood.
Fertile aged women got hit with 5 floods.
None of them are getting married, encouraged to push it until 30, ive met many women like that, who want to sleep around forever.
>more sex, less kidsthe young generation has no fertile women left
the entire point of empowering women is depopulation and to destabilize the family.
your generation was the start of the collapse but it still had it much easier. sex drugs and rock and roll destroyed the values of an entire nation.
a man should be able to get married when he wills.
Stop this "bootsraps" bullshit while being too afraid to name the woman jew and the jew jew, and letting them astroturf and take your civilization away from you.
women are the reproductive circuit.
Shape up and be a man, and establish cultural values, instead of blaming younger men while you had fun using up all the fertile women, the easy thing to do.
How dare you show up your retired ass and start trying to talk down to a man in the arena.
FUCK OFF BOOMER. never speak over your betters again.
A couple guys got lucky and THINK THEY'RE HOT SHIT
like you and owen.
If we had a loyal wife, the woman would build us up
No pussy no work.
Credit goes to Owen's wife.
Fuck off kike.