>>43424096For Catholics
You're against abortion regardless of the circumstances. Yes, even if the circumstances involve pregnancy through incest or rape, or complications that risk the life of the mother if the baby was to be born.
You believe marriage is between one man and one woman with no exceptions whatsoever. Going hand in hand with this belief you also love and accept everyone, even if you don't agree with their choices in life. Despite what the media or "celebrities" say, the Catholic church does not hate lesbians, gays, bisexuals or transgenders.
You don't use contraception. You must be open to life. Natural Family Planning is what the Church wants its married laity to practice.
You don't have sex outside of marriage. You also don't live under the same roof with your boyfriend or girlfriend until you're married, unless you're living as brother and sister. This would also apply to couples in an irregular marriage waiting to be convalidated.
You vote in political elections based primarily on a candidate's stance on principals of the Church like abortion, religious liberty, and the institution of marriage. You do not vote based on the issues (this makes all issues equal and highly personal), and you vote as a Catholic first not as a democrat or a republican.
You believe that only men can serve as priests as Jesus Christ was a man. Remember priests act in persona Christi when they celebrate the mass.
You attend mass every Sunday and on holy days of obligation. You also do not consistently arrive late and leave early. Going hand in hand with this you dress and act with reverence.
You go to confession at least once a year.
You receive the eucharist at least once a year.
You observe the prescribed days of fasting and abstinence.
You provide for the material needs of the Church. This support can be in the form of time, talent, or treasure.
You're not a member of a group that the Church forbids; the Free Masons come readily to mind.