>>18153254Im inserting my own bit of headcanon for my own fun and break the barrier that prevented me from it last time
like how would in skyrim. Im making my own character:
Faction Leader: [Player Character insert] Chaos Lord (no you may not know his name)
Faction: Chaos Undivided
Game: Medieval 2 Total War Kingdoms
Mod: BoTET
army composition:
• Chaos Warriors, as they have no need for sleep, rest, or eat. They are sustained with the carnage the wreak. Thus perfect troops to follow me on my wanderings, only stopping at settlements to replenish my army
• Second in command, and further down the chains of command (totaling in 5, allowing the capability to cycle generals to let some replenish and others be used in battle), mostly cavalry although there could be a possibility that one or two may be a foot general, the foot general shouldnt last long though, as he will be thrown into every cannon fodder army to lead it in support of my army. Ideally I want 5 cav generals
• 2 large units. I will not go past that amount as I want my armies bulk to be warriors and I dont want to make tasteless doomstack armies commonly seen in total war warhammer. Now with that disclaimer out of the way, this means I will be switching out trolls for giants, or some a large unit for a better large unit when they come available
Favorite Tactics:
• Cycle Charging Cavalry
• Completely enveloping enemies in a seething tide of chaos warriors and marauders