>>18168259This, and only this.
The King James Authorized Version of the most Holy Bible is the only *correct* English translation of it. The KJV is a node in the hyperdimensional metatechnological artifact by which a shrewd student may better learn The Truth. Although jews twisted a bunch of things, especially Saul/Paul of Tarsus, it is important to read it ALL, because reading the wicked lies of the kikes helps you to understand the foe better, and provides perspective. Reading the entire Bible, Old Testament, Apocrypha & New Testament, in order with a meditative mind, and contemplating each passage, truly bring wisdom to the diligent reader.
KJV unironically jacked my antisemitism up by over 9000, and I now know that WE are truly Israel (not that contemporary political state run by congenitally criminal mongrel devil worshippers who lie & usurp).
DO NOT READ THE NKJV, because the "New" King James Version is just about as heretical as all the rest of the counterfeit "bibles" -- NIV, ESB, etc....
I recommend the "Pure Cambridge Edition," which is the final, perfect form derived from the original 1611 version, with all of the typos cleaned up, et cetera. It was more or less finalized in 1911, and in print continuously from the end of the Great War until 1985, but a new printing was conducted in 2011.
I'm reading this one currently:
https://www.thekjvstore.com/kjv-cameo-reference-bible-with-apocrypha-cambridge/BE ADVISED: (((They))) have snuck a few mistakes back in (e.g.: "two-edged" as opposed to "twoedged"), but, as long as you are mindful, you should be alright. The KJV has to be in perfect order, just like a computer program, in order to build the TEMPLE within your MIND/SPIRIT.
Also be mindful that such terms as God, GOD, The Lord, LORD, et cetera, were standins for things like "El," "Elohim," "YHWH," "Adoni," etc... and that this/these "God(s)" are... not quite what they tell you in Sunday School.
Aliens built Garden of Eden after cataclysm...