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/v/ and /tv/ are real bad. Political threads reach bump limit while on-topic threads 404 in 10 minutes. The Nazis and "leftists" who infest and constantly bait each other on those boards are too fucking dumb to realize how dumb they are for always falling for it.
It's actually hilarious going on /v/ and seeing a /pol/ or anti-/pol/ bait thread and the first reply is somebody critiqing the opposing ideology, like they just know this song and dance now and know to just get right into the political debate.
Challenge: Go into the /v/ catalog, sort by creation date, and see how long it takes you to find a political thread. See how long it stays up compared to gaming threads
/a/ is autistic and constantly sperges out about muh board culture. Doing something slightly wrong will get you banned. They care more about moeblobs than actual good anime.
r9k and s4s are... r9k and s4s. "hey you know how we have boards for content but they're acutally just used for shitposting" "yea" "let's make boards SPECIFICALLY for shitposting"
vip is literally useless and I'm surprised it still exists.
/pol/ is self-explanatory