>>18180470If you don't have all of these, it's fucking over.
- hair matters
- hairline matters
- ears matter
- eye area matters (hooded, deepset-eyes, PCT, wide PFL, eyebrows, eyelashes, minimal or zero UEE, strong brow-ridge protrusion)
- midface matters (straight nose, high nasal bridge, forward grown maxilla, ogee curve/mass in the zygos should be visible from the side)
- mouth area matters (wide palete, lips not too thin or thick, lips that don't protrude from the side)
- jaw matters (tall ramus, chin height, chin projection, good gonial angle, tight submental region, (undernearth mouth and jaw, double chin or not) long mandible,
- dick matters (6x5.5 is ideal)
- height matters (6'3.5")
- frame matters
- race matters (as white as possible)
- Skin matters
- Universal symmetry matters
Tall Ramus Chin height Chin projection Good gonial angle Tight submental region Strong Browridge Straight nose Lips that don't protrude from the side Long mandible Forward grown maxilla Ogee curve / mass in the zygos should be visible from the side