>>18220858nah, the jungle asians have some fuckshit going on with them. they are super tribal and primally minded, so they come in numbers. they don't have the same type of intelligence as eastern asians, and eastern asians are not all the same. china is giant, but a few faction of chinese man that you will see, is chinese philosopher, chinese bugmen, and chinese femboy. in korea, you get the rugged roof korean, though his skin tone will be deeper than the rest of his kind. there is the light skinned korean, and they fall into the same category as chinese femboy. in japan, they have the old bastard, the businessman, the gangster, and again, the femboy.
it's funny cause this femboy is opposed to the western fuckboy, but anyways, spanish speakers seem to have the worst takes on cultural perspective on this board. a lot of you guys are too prideful to want to understand anything other than your own culture, but i can't blame you, it's only natural.