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you missed teen love

ID:CvpnIMoh No.18264609 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
you will never be 15 and you will never be in love, lying on the grass on a hot summer night, looking at the stars, chatting without a care in the world.
without worrying about rent, bills, student loans.
the only worry in life is how you gonna cheat on the Monday history exam.
you will never lose your virginity with someone who deeply loves you, looking into her eyes and saying "I love you".
you'll never have a girl with you every day after school, pretending you do homework together, but instead you have fun and cuddle

you are in your twenties now
you have to find a good job
you must be a serious man now
all the good ones are taken
maybe an old girl will end up moving in with you
but they've already felt all these exciting feelings so they're jaded and bitter, it's just not the same as her first love

you can try to win a Nobel Prize, or earn millions of dollars

but nothing will come close to the real feeling of being in love with a young and innocent maiden, being carefree 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, without debts, money, work or responsabilities
just hanging out with friends, doing nothing at school, getting validation and affection, going to summer parties, driving around the city.
you missed teen love
you missed your life.