[13 / 3 / ?]
>be me
>level 2,500 autism wizard
>met some girl online
>talked for a few weeks
>was really chill
>she basically called me every night
>''i don't like going to bed anon alone anon, can you stay in a call with me?
>would say all this shit
>went over my head
>responded with jokes
>eventually she stops calling me
>she didn't remove me but we just don't really talk anymore
>looked back and realize she was flirting with me
>want to kill myself rn
>level 2,500 autism wizard
>met some girl online
>talked for a few weeks
>was really chill
>she basically called me every night
>''i don't like going to bed anon alone anon, can you stay in a call with me?
>would say all this shit
>went over my head
>responded with jokes
>eventually she stops calling me
>she didn't remove me but we just don't really talk anymore
>looked back and realize she was flirting with me
>want to kill myself rn