White supremacists hiding in plain sight adding like doofuses and encoding fear of outgroup, as a hedge of protection and a cloak +500 protection against people who would regress to vertibrate quadriped robbery typical of 700 thousand year ago back when humans and gorillas freely mated (Only one race the vertibrate quadriped race).
Here's some of their handiwork, asshole.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTMsfOcHiJgThe apple falls straight down under the apple tree, regardless of how much the apple hates the tree and denounces its creation circuit.
If I had to do a do-over, Mormonism is a candidate. They're insane, but they're leaning toward the: "I'll remain alive while your culture eats itself like a Cainanite Cannibal from sodom and gomorrah".