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No.18284576 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
At the end of the ’40s, the Friends (positive extraterrestrials) offered their collaboration to the head of the USA Administration. In exchange, they asked that the nuclear weaponry program be given up. But their offer and request were rejected, and other extraterrestrial populations have been collaborating with the USA and other Powers. The results of this have been highly negative, and still weigh heavily on our collective destiny. One of the reasons (there are others) which delay disclosure is the fact that the USA Administration should assume responsibility before the whole planet for having refused a vital collaboration and for having activated another highly negative one, exclusively for the sake of power and domination, lying to citizens and covering up for decades.

Everyday, terrestrial collaborators of the Friends and terrestrial collaborators of populations who are enemies of the Friends (and thus are our own enemies) silently fight with each other. The enemies are trying to conquer our planet in a very gradual and seemingly painless way, most of all working over our minds.

The Friends have a general control over everything that occurs, but they are only allowed to intervene under particular conditions. Everything happens as in an extremely elaborate chess game, with rules that I cannot even touch upon here. The Friends have won a great war in the Universe against the Evil populations, but the game on the Earth is still completely open. Both the minds of us terrestrials in the contact group and the minds of the terrestrials whom we address are involved in this war. In fact, this war also takes place in our most intimate spheres and on levels that we are unaware of, which makes the whole matter very difficult and hard to express. Rationality is essential, but it is not enough to explain phenomena, interactions and consequences that are beyond all that society and knowledge-science have accustomed and conditioned us to.