>>1834977312. Prohibit election of people with citizenship or real property in other nations.
13. Mandate the legislative branch periodically audit all activity, even secret activity, of the executive branch, for constitutional and ethical compliance, and provide public audit data
14. Enact term limits on supreme court justices as proposed by Levin.
15. Mandate no immunity can exist for an official’s actions which violates the constitution.
16. Amend article 6 to enact Steven’s proposal by adding “and other public officials”
17. Enact Steven’s proposal on gerrymandering requiring districts to be compact and contiguous.
18. Enact the single subject amendment proposal by Denning-Smith preventing riders
19. Modify the provision on currencies to cause the states to individually operate their own mints for coin currency, and only allow the federal government to mint paper currency.
20. Reinstate the postal office bank- a subsidized government-owned bank which is prohibited to engage in lending or investment, and can only handle money transfers, currency exchanging, and zero-interest bearing savings.
21. Require currency tranches issued to be 100% backed by reserve availability.
22. Restore the Glass-Steagall act.
23. Prohibit all derivative trading.
24. Nationalize the financial clearinghouse system as a public utility.
25. Nationalize the credit system as a public utility with regulatory oversight on privacy issues, eliminating Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.
26. Make it a felony to be knowingly overleveraged when operating an investment bank.
27. Ban compound interest in personal lending.