Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
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ID:r1g6V6nr No.18365133 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>brought racebait to /bant/ and causes a dozen of cuckold threads to pop up daily
>brought porn and coomers to /bant/ and causes a dozen of gooner threads to pop up daily
>brought "waifufags" to /bant/ and causes a dozen of thread slots to be permanently occupied by a bunch of maniacs who'd rather die on a hill than not necrobump their circlejerk
>brought /pol/itical divide to /bant/ and causes a couple of threads to be dedicated to extreme ideologies that are not ok
>brought mentally ill posters from other boards to /bant/ and causes several threads to be about blogging, faggotry and other kinds of degeneracy, unironic grooming and of course lolcow behavior
>destroyed local culture
>destroyed high quality posting
>destroyed any sense of originality
>continues to destroy any sproutling of OC