>>18383626Indo Iranians probably left India after the first group of Aryans left for Russia left.
I noticed over 100 words that were the same/similar in Russian and Hindi (+ other Indo-European languages of India like Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi)
Treh 3 in Russian - is exactly the same as Treh in Punjabi
Drink is Piyosh in Russian пьёшь, same as Hindi Piyo.
The new Russian module to the ISS is called Nauka = नौका means Yatch/Boat in Hindi.
yгpaжaть = Ugrajat = threaten = same as Ugra vyahavaar in Sanskrit/Hindi
In India soup is callled Sch-or-ba, in Russia soup is called b-or-Sch
Gorod village in Russian - is like gadh in Hindi - Junagadh, Ramgadh, etc, like suffix -ville
Stans - Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan - suffix means place, 'sthan' in Hindi
“Tomato” in Russian is “pamidar” Пoмидop and in Hindi is “tamatar” टमाटर
10 -дecять ("dyes-yat") in Hindi it is dus, very similar
Heт(no) - Pronounced "nyet". is very similar to nahi - nae - naye pronounced differently in different regions of India
Дa(yes) - Pronounced "da". is exactly the same as Ha - haan
Хopoшo(Good)”horosho” is like harsh - meaning happiness or goodness
ruble and rupee are slightly similar, even in value 1 rupee = 1 rouble (fuck the nato devaluation, it will jump higher soon)
Russian Ч is exactly the same as ch-sound letter in Hindi च
Чтo? ("shto?") - What? is exactly the same in Hindi "toh?" 'to?"
чaй.chai exactly the same in Hindi चाय chai
живy zhivi zhivu is exactly the same as in Marathi (close to hindi) zhivat, or jivat or Gujarati jivu
Гдe "where?" is exactly the same as in Punjabi "kade?" "kide?" "kithe?"
дeнь den is exactly the same as in Hindi din
пepe- - "pere" across in Russian, almost the same as paar or para in Hindi/Sanskrit