Was about to make a thread to find you and fulfill my obligation.
But yes, my research started when I was but 14 years old, and since I began, I kept finding more and more.
You run across a few charlatans pr plagiarists along the way, but thats why you always seek more and more original material and documentation to browse through.
You have to embrace the autodidact pill to gain knowledge
Yes my research has led to some prpfound discoveries, especially about the overwhelming links between so many ancient and some still popular belief systems, and what I really love is looking for the secrets of the Ancient Priesthood of Ra.
You see all those serpents under the boat or craft in those hierglyphics?
That is Serpent Energy at work.
Kundalini, SSSSSHAKTI.
Gifted to you, by your Creator, to Unite. With Shiva.
Take these vedic terms, or names with caution on how I meant them, when you study the Corpus Hermeticum, you will come across alchemy speak of the highest level, both literal, and cryptically metaphorical.
You have to speak in parable, because the only way to help ones brain build the nueropathways to conceptualize what they are trying to accomplish, the brain must be "Teased".
I do not to bait or irritate, but because to convey The Way requires I teach it as I learnt it.
"Because no one person will look at a bag of chips, and agree on every aspect of its nature"