Yes but you are in a higher position than her means no
Yes but she drank an 8oz Red Bull means no
Yes but there was a smoking section in the restaurant, and some of the secondhand smoke could've entered her lungs and deprived her brain of oxygen so she couldn't think clearly means no
Yes but you were hiking at an altitude of more than 5000 feet above sea level and thereby deprived of oxygen, which impairs her ability to think clearly means no
Yes, but she received poor grades in school so she is clearly mentally impaired And therefore incapable of consent means no
Yes but she has ADHD means no
Yes but she's ugly and is obviously feeling pressured to say yes or else she'll die alone means no
Same thing with women who are too old or too fat
Or too poor or live in another country, they're just saying yes so they can get money/citizenship, so that's obviously no