[6 / 5 / ?]
Just imagine being the kind of person that enjoys watching My little pony. That owns every piece of material media that has been hastily churned out: DVDs, posters, toys, games. Imagine being the kind of person who looks forward to every episode release. Who watches and re-watches the later seasons, analyses every piece of dialogue and music, every plot point, every episode title, every single word of every single episode. The kind of person who will claim that anyone who doesn't like the show just doesn't understand it. Imagine being so excited when Twilight appears on the screen. Giggling with uncontrollable laughter with every Spell, every "Aww geez Pinkie", every seemingly random moment, but deep down you know. You know that, on a whole other level, this show, designed for children and adults who won't grow up, speaks to you. It understands you. You hear "Friendship" and know what's coming. By "Is" your dick is quivering, and when Rick exclaims "Magic!" you explode from all holes in a torrent of laughter and foul smelling liquids. You pray that every episode never reaches an end, because never again will a show appear that is so 'deep' and 'intelligent' as this one.