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trvthnvke time
its laughable that s𐐬ytrannies wholeheartedly think they had ANY real impact on the internet at all. most of its userbase were twitter/reddit/tiktok/whatever tourists from 2023 who drove all the actual /qa/ originalfags out of the site and ruined it with their self insert tranime gigachad bullshit.
if anything it is /qa/ culture that deserves the recognition (but will never receive it). the sharty has created nothing of value and is practically just a splinter site full of newtroons and tourists who attempted to ride the coattails of /qa/ as well as replicate it but failed miseraably.
you lost. you wasted time that you are never getting back. shartrannies lost. all that will be left of their legacy is a shitty eceleb drama video essay made by turkey tom or some other faggot. they will only be known as the millions must die west has fallen redditbob chudpants website that was owned by a unironic gay pedophile vatnigger with aids that "owned" a fake organization, then eventually the website got killed off because they involved themselves in eceleb twitter tranny drama, the literal antithesis of what their culture used to be.
every oldfag and originalfag from /qa/ is genuinely happy about the mercy killing of that already sinking ship of a website. the numerous splinter websites that already exist/ are going to be created will and have already failed completely. everything about s𐐬ytranny culture after 4chan mods locked it has been a complete disaster. s𐐬yposting died with /qa/, everything after it has been a disgusting, frankly insulting replication of it.
/qa/ lost even though it should have won, s𐐬ytroons and the sharty lost, and they have no one to blame but themselves. now watch them cry about "da cooooooord" like they always do as if everything about their current culture didn't originate from that there or some other shithole anyway
tl;dr kill yourself