>>18520847Very poor social environment, very expensive, nearly everyone in the cities is a retarded goyslop jew and nearly everyone in the rural sections is a dumb toothless hick. The country is very large, with many resources that could be the seat of an empire that actually benefits its own people, but instead we promote gay buttsex and economic financial rootlessness. There is a pervasive sense of despair here, of purely material moneyseeking. If you are religious, you're going to be some brand of either retarded Christianity, stupid larpaganiggers, mooslems, or some other eclectic retarded new age poison.
People here are infected with postmodernism, so that any sort of tension or seriousness, rigidity and stoic demeanour must be mocked incessantly and dispelled with marvel-tier jokes. There is no future here as long as people keep believing in the gay cultural myths, any of them spanning from equality of man to progress to linear history to nurture over nature to the idea that material happiness is the end all be all.
The pros are that it's large, spread across all biomes, our fiat shit is currently the world reserve currency, and you can buy nearly anything you want. Seriously, I can't think of any pros other than that if you have the money, you can buy any sort of product. There is very little otherwise that I can speak well of this country. I have no loyalty to any established nation on earth, all of them are dirt beneath my shoes because all of them are ruled by peasant scum and are caricatures of real power structures. That and they'll drag you away in chains if you tell a child that he shouldn't chop his genitals off. There is this unspoken loyalty to post postmodern values of all sorts and the bitter hatred of any distinction, strength, and naked authority. Americans want to larp like we're free men, but we're all slaves, slaves of the lowest quality. Bugmen and indigent slime living at the end of our civilization--it was a civilization that never was