>>18563226When hiring the “talent” for the music industry, producers are looking for a short list of desirable traits. The candidate has to be intelligent enough to memorize their lyrics, they have to have a decent work ethic so that they can tour, perform, and record music for an adequate number of days/year, and they have to be humble and self aware enough to know their role, so that they dont try to start meddling in things that are outside their skill set. Lastly, they have to be ok looking with a somewhat decent voice. These last two things are actually the easiest to find, and almost any woman who auditions is adequate performance wise with a little work. It’s actually pretty hard to find someone who checks all the boxes I mentioned though, and harder to find one who will maintain the necessary discipline long term. Swift has been hard working and reliable, and thus has been rewarded for it immensely. This is how it works. It works pretty much the same in all entertainment fields. Almost any of you fags can understand what musicians, actors, news anchors, ect do. None of you understand what it is to create a worldwide production, distribution, marketing juggernaut that turns cute songs into billions and billions of dollars. That is because the latter part is the crux, and that is what takes decades of genius and brutally hard work to achieve. That is the realm of the Jew. If you think about this for a while you will see why entitled retards like Kanye are so tiresome. Their egos allow them to think that their brand is theirs, when in reality, their are many other dancing monkeys who could do what they do. The same is not true for the Jews that create and maintain the industry. Tay and the others are hired performers, no more, no less.