>>18572305I was walking along the fisherman's wharf in San Francisco a couple years back right before the city hit the edge of the event horizon into the abyss of shitholery
Beautiful day. Nary a cloud in the sky and low 80s F°
As I am approaching the market where they have the big industrial fridges and boiling pots where they cook fresh sea food, a crack nigger bum randomly smacks an old English woman tourist in the face as hard as he could
>MFWThe old English chap yells out the classic Anglo war cry of
>YOU BLOODY BASTARD!!!!Proceeds to grab the loathsome stinking nigger filth by it's rags, look straight in my eyes with a nod of unadulterated rage and run him backwards straight into me
Well I knew right what to do and gave this fucking dindu psycho coon the hardest right hook straight to the kidney and then a left hook to the ribs and then clench his nappy greasy rat nest, twist and hip toss that disgusting reeking heap of spook head first into the industrial fridge/boiler
>BWOOWINGfunny sound the crack head cranium made
The wretched homo erectus ad mixture (19%) was dazed and struggling to stand and I raised my skateboard and took aim directly between his axis and atlas vertebrae
>BUT WAIT!!! THIS IS SAN FRANCSIO?!!?I immediately paused and yelled to the old woman
>Hey ma'am you wanna press aggravated assault charges?!By then an odd thing happened
A statuesque Alabama blue gum dark well dressed negress appears and begins to hurl the most cutting, brutal, and absolutely perfect diatribe against the quivering nog
I was so distracted by this and her simultaneous good natured comforting of the old English woman whilst simultaneously verbally eviscerating the warbling slack eye hollowed out uncanny valley beast
Just then the cocaine retook the grievous injury and he bolts
woman was fine
She kept a stiff upper lip too
Retained her dignity remarkably
Maybe that's why the darkness in semi human form attacked her.
That thing he could never have