[13 / 3 / 10]
>Be Me
>31 years old.
>white failed male, tranny, 2 yrs HRT, had balls removed.
>bisexual, bottom
>marijuana user
>has an exhentai, grindr, pornhub, hyptnotube and tumblr all on my phone pumping filth and nigger dicks into my brain nonstop.
>love and admire jews and celibrate the destruction of the white race with pop music and transsexual orgies.
>have swastika, bbc slut, and start of david tattoos as well as masonic and kabbalist symbols.
>Am comfortably satanist and goddless but open to demonic posession to ve used as a tool of chaos.
I made my entire existence a complete mockery to my ancestors. I openly had homosexual acts, castrated myself, enjoyed illegal drugs and a life of self centrred fulfillment and i have no shame or remorse. I figure, a being as demonic as me must be a herald of the end times.
>31 years old.
>white failed male, tranny, 2 yrs HRT, had balls removed.
>bisexual, bottom
>marijuana user
>has an exhentai, grindr, pornhub, hyptnotube and tumblr all on my phone pumping filth and nigger dicks into my brain nonstop.
>love and admire jews and celibrate the destruction of the white race with pop music and transsexual orgies.
>have swastika, bbc slut, and start of david tattoos as well as masonic and kabbalist symbols.
>Am comfortably satanist and goddless but open to demonic posession to ve used as a tool of chaos.
I made my entire existence a complete mockery to my ancestors. I openly had homosexual acts, castrated myself, enjoyed illegal drugs and a life of self centrred fulfillment and i have no shame or remorse. I figure, a being as demonic as me must be a herald of the end times.