>>18629955Dreams are a random remix of whatever the fuck was in your mind that day.
You must have been thinking about fucking.
You must have been thinking about your mom.
During your dream phase of your sleep, your synapses were randomly firing and the signals that are responsible for the idea of 'fucking' just happen to collide with the signals that are responsible for the idea of 'mom'
>dreams feel so much more real than real lifeI deliberated on this question at length as to why that is.
There must a reason for it, and the only sensible explanation (hypothesis) that I could come up with is that, since the brain doesn't have to process information for necessary for conscious activity (processing sensory information and coordinating movements,reasoning and value judgements etc), you are 'forced' to pay more attention to whatever experience your brain creates.
We don't have the technology to test this hypothesis anyway, so it will just have to remain as what it is - just my own theory.
But that is the only explanation I could come up with what I understand about sleep.
By the way, your brain does other useful function in non-dreaming phase of the sleep, like clearing the fluid that bathes the brain to remove any waste product from cellular activity.