>>18631776>My retarded weed addicted best friend says he has 3 aliens in his head that talk to him from time to time. A woman, an old man and a kid - he says they are from another Planet and the old man is the worst. The fuck is wrong with him? He wasn't like that. Is it the drugs that unlocked schizoprenia?Yes it's possible.
Rare, but possible.
Drugs like weed, especially when starts at a young age can induce mentall illness in general.
With Schizophrenia sepcifically, your friend could have had a dormant gene and predisposition to schizophrenia, and the cannabis causd the gene to express itself.
The real question is : How young did yourfrind startedsmoking regularly?
That'she crux of the issue.
Cannabis is harmles past the ages of 21 - 25.
25 is when the brain is finished developping.
The younger you start, the worse the problem is.
I have first hand exprerience of this.
>Have ADHD>Discover weed can help with symptoms>Start smoking weed at 15>By the time I'm 25, my ADHD has evolved into Bipolarism.People like me tend to use cannabis to deal with symptoms of undiagnosed mental illness.
It might feel good in the short erm bu makes the problem worse in the long term.
I'm now 30, and have my mental health taken care of, so now I'm in the clear.
If I could go back in time, I would prevent myself from smoking weed until I reach age 21.
Young people shouldn't smok weed, until age 21-25.
Ironically, Weed is great for old people.
So that's my problem with weed, it's usd by young people when it' bad for them, and rarely usd by old people, even though it's good for them.
I could explain more stuff about Cannabis if you guys want, I know quite a lot about it.
The main problem when discussing weed is : Weed is different from every other drug, in the sense that it has different effects on different brain.
Every other drug does the exact same effect regardless of who takes it.
Cannabis is special in that it's very hard to study and generalize the effects.