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Question to Pagans

No.18647090 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I understand wanting to be part of a bases religion. But recreating Paganism is impossible. There just isn’t enough information about the rituals and Gods. Our Ancestors weren’t people of the book. They would never try to rediscover an even older version of Paganism and try to live according to that, because that’s not how they thought. So why are you doing this?

There is something which survived in an unbroken line to today though. Besides genetics. And that’s a Pagan mindset. How you look at the world. In a fundamental sense my brain works exactly how the brains of my ancestors did. What I am talking about is basically ideology. I don’t worship the same Gods or participate in the same rituals, but how I view the world is fundamentally Pagan, Aryan, Germanic. Our Ancestors until they converted to Christianity also didn’t have a concept of religion. If you asked a Germanic Warrior what his religious identity separate from his ethnic identity was, he would have no idea what you are talking about. As a Germanic man you simply participated in rituals. There was no difference between religious, secular or cultural rituals, they were all the same. Then Christians came and promised him that he still could be Germanic, but would just be Christian on top of that and nothing would be taken away. He wouldn’t have to give up his Germanic roots like Romans, who tried to assimilate us,
By making Paganism a religion, you are going against this. Also by making Paganism a 1:1 copy of Ancient Paganism, you are betraying the spirit of Paganism. Because Pagans actually mythologized real events. Greeks put the Titan Gods of the people they conquered in Greece in prison for example. And you are just going to ignore the 1500 years we have been Christian?

I mean we can still build statues, columns or create art depicting Pagan motives of course. But don’t make it a religion.