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ID:IIX2si8O No.18663073 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
holy fuck, i just remembered i had a dream last night that was really long, and that i was still sleeping irl, so i realized i was in a dream, but when i did, and i was in the hallway of an apartment building, i saw a small black dog suddenly run from one room to the next, and another yellow dog run around me in circles. when the first dog ran past, a wave of this vibration, emanating from my spine overwhelmed me, but i tried to stay in control by calming myself down because i was gaining lucidity in the dream, though it ended shortly after that.

i went back to sleep and had another dream about trying to buy weed and being unsuccessful, or even scammed, and then i woke up in my bed and realized i already had weed, so i went to my backpack to pack a pipe, and then i woke up again, realizing it was all a dream, and i have no weed whatsoever. what the fuck is going on in my dreams?