>>18668430>i did watch some yt as a 12ish or something kidWell, I was pretty watching YouTube videos between the ages of 7 and 19-ish, so I'd say they were a pretty strong influence on me. That's where I got exposed to lots of shit like end of the world prediction videos, people who advocated for Young-Earth creationism back when it was still a thing, people who made 20-part rebuttals to those videos, videos criticizing President Bush/Obama, original animated shorts (back when they were still a thing), and lots of other kinds of shit.
I'd say a big part of the way I think was shaped by YouTube channels and blog writers. People often like to claim they were influenced by great thinkers, famous books, and that sort of stuff, but really it was pop culture osmosis more than anything for me.
>inflamed homosexual kurdsNow that's something I can't imagine. I don't remember fags being much of a thing till 2012 Then all of a sudden everyone and their mother claimed to be homo/bisexual/transgender.
If anything, I remember gay people used to appear as comic relief characters in entertainment rather than as people who were expected to be taken seriously back when I was a kid. I can't even imagine how odd it would be to come across a homosexual in a country like Iraq.