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Here is the list. Be sure to memmorize and write it down on your parchment:
1. Being gay
2. Being any skin color other than white
3. Being a Nigger, in skin color or in lifestyle
4. Having a cock in your ass
5. Having a cock in your mouth
6. Having a cock in your ear
7. Having a cock in your cock
8. Thinking of a cock other than your own
9. Enjoying any anime other than the following:
Corey in the house
Uncle Herschel from Cracker Barrel
Taken (sequels not included)
Justice League
10. Addiction to emo, goth, scene shit
11. Liking the color purple
12. Being married to anything other than a pureblood white woman, or a goat (goats being the preferable option)
13. Thinking that anything other than a pureblood white man is human.
14. Liking underage boys, girls are fine.
15. Having a tree grow out of your dog's ass