christcuck.orgnon whites owe whites quadrillions including jew irish italian
easy: have a king and 100 free rooms per white male
-150mil minorities including jew irish italian
end corp bank landlord trade immigration shrink lawyer academic
end regulation theft, markets, usury
all good government from the king
closed border
force abort any pregnancy man not want
women 0 money
megadorms built all over huge huge 10,000 room
older women assigned cook n clean in teen male megadorms os get lots fo teen dick
same with yougn women but men dorms
any anti white speech is burnable treason in any medium
flibe-energy.com replace oil gas coal
greenarrays.com replace media and tek
all useless jobs stop
security is not allowed to hurt citizens
drug dealers hunted for fun by population same as non whites
few hot altinas can stay if signed for and few orientals with fake tits
sports banned
competition are for R&D of next best tek
plan 9 and alan kay smalltalk and other free software like
happstack.com swi prolog
picolisp.com gnu clog vely.dev
werc.cat-v.org freebsd.org archlinux.org openbsd.org netbsd.org have competitions
calisthenics and being toned is promoted
toned competitions liek miss bum bum and male equivalent are promoted
frat bro hollwood has tons of great stuff with hot white women and hot toned white guy 0 irish italian jew or other minorities
history of white men building everything is shown
gay shit is banned in public and not really needed since women are hot and beholden to men since women have 0 money and unwanted pregnancy is force aborted
water is exhaust from stirling engine when burn hydrogen tank you can make as one of many products of safe atomic